Frase di Carlos Castaneda
[Perhaps, something like that. But we have to begin by realizing, as don Juan says, that there is much more to the world than we usually acknowledge. Our normal expectations about reality are created by a social consensus. We are taught how to see and understand the world. The trick of socialization is to convince us that the descriptions we agree upon define the limits of the real world. What we call reality is only one way of seeing the world, a way that is supported by a social consensus.]
Breve biografia di Carlos Castaneda
Carlos César Salvador Aranha Castañeda, più noto come Carlos Castañeda o, nella versione anglofona, Castaneda, nasce il giorno di Natale del 1925 a Cajamarca (Perù) secondo alcune fonti, e a San Paolo del Brasile secondo altre. Muore a Los Angeles all'età di 72 anni, il 27 aprile 1998, per le complicazioni di un tumore. La sua opera è...
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