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In questa pagina si trovano alcuni MEME, immagini virali che sono un vero e proprio linguaggio dei social media e di Facebook in particolare. L'elenco comprende i lavori preparati da tre classi del terzo anno del corso di Graphic Design dello IED di Milano per un esperimento didattico nel dicembre 2014 e pubblicati sulla nostra pagina Facebook. Nel 2016 il compito è stato poi ripetuto con il tema: odio (hate).

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(Hate and Love)
(Hate and Love)
When you are near to a mental breakdown.
When you are near to a mental breakdown.
It has always been easy to HATE and DESTROY.
To build and cherish is much more difficult.
It has always been easy to HATE and DESTROY. To build and cherish is much more difficult.
When anyone asks me for fashion advice.
Wear something black.
When anyone asks me for fashion advice. Wear something black.
He said my design was just
He said my design was just "ok". "Said".
I hate procrastinating.
But I will start doing things tomorrow.
I hate procrastinating. But I will start doing things tomorrow.
Quando dico che odio tutti non è misantropia.
Semplicemente odio tutto il genere umano e sento mio il detto: chi fa da sé fa per tre.
Quando dico che odio tutti non è misantropia. Semplicemente odio tutto il genere umano e sento mio il detto: chi fa da sé fa per tre.
My cat has a Chaplin moustache so I named him Charlie.
But when he is pissing me off I call him Adolf.
My cat has a Chaplin moustache so I named him Charlie. But when he is pissing me off I call him Adolf.
Haters gonna hate. Well, I'll just keep it simple.
Haters gonna hate. Well, I'll just keep it simple.
Growing is learning to accept what you hate and question what you love.
Growing is learning to accept what you hate and question what you love.
Meme in database: 40 • Sei a pagina 1 di 4

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