Frase di Samuel Hahnemann
[The lukewarm baths at 25 to 27° serve to arouse the slumbering sensibility of fibre in the apparent dead (frozen, drowned, suffocated) which benumbed the sensation of the nerves. Though only palliative, still they often prove themselves sufficiently active, especially when given in conjunction with coffee and rubbing with the hands. They may give homopathic aid in cases where the irritability is very unevenly distributed and accumulated too unevenly in some organs as is the case in certain hysteric spasms and infantile convulsions. In the same way, cold baths 10 to 6° in persons cured medically of chronic diseases and with deficiency of vital heat, act as an homopathic aid. By instantaneous and later with repeated immersions they act as a palliative restorative of the tone of the exhausted fibre. For this purpose, such baths are to be used for more than momentary duration, rather for minutes and of gradually lowered temperature, they are a palliative, which, since it acts only physically has no connection with the disadvantage of a reverse action to be feared afterwards, as takes place with dynamic medicinal palliatives.]
Breve biografia di Samuel Hahnemann
Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann nasce il 10 aprile del 1755 in Sassonia, a Meissen, a dodici chilometri di distanza da Dresda, figlio di un decoratore di porcellane. Dopo aver imparato a leggere e a scrivere con l'aiuto della madre, frequenta la scuola pubblica prima di essere iscritto a quella privata. Ha modo così di imparare, nel...
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