Frase di Elton John
[I thought she was black when I heard her singing. [...] This is so like Tina Turner. Who is this woman sings? And even when I found out she was call Anastacia, I didn't even think she was white. She had the most amazing voice, just the most soulful voice I've heard in so long [...] She is a great live performer [...] I'm Outta Love is one of the greatest dance records of all time.]
Breve biografia di Elton John
Timidissimo, inconsapevole e devastato da un terribile rapporto con il padre: così si presentava nel lontano 1968 il ventunenne Reginald Kenneth Dwight, famoso con lo pseudonimo di Elton John. Nato a Londra il 25 marzo 1947, con la musica classica nel cuore, il giovanissimo compositore affiancato dal capace paroliere Bernie Taupin...
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