Frase di Eddie Murphy
[Belushi and Robin Williams offered me some blow and I didn't take it, and Belushi called me a "tightass." Then, years later, I was like, "Wow, that's a trip." The Eddie Murphy story would have been totally different. There are a bunch of things like that that I look back on and be like, "Wow." And that just reaffirms my faith. I know that God is real. There's been a bunch of times when I could have wound up crashing and burning.]
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Questa frase è presente in:Breve biografia di Eddie Murphy
Edward Regan Murphy - attore e comico a tutti noto come Eddie Murphy - nasce il 3 aprile del 1961 a New York, figlio di Lilian, un'operatrice telefonica, e di Charles Edward, ufficiale di polizia e comico amatoriale.
Cresciuto a Brooklyn, Eddie ha un'infanzia piuttosto difficile, caratterizzata dalla prematura morte del padre e dalla...
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