Frase di Jimmy Connors
[There will be excessive pressure on Murray from the British media and the public, who have been starved of a champion for all these decades. When I played, Wimbledon didn't start in the British newspapers, or on television, until all the British players were out. If I say that with tongue in cheek, as an American I was kind of envious that the whole nation was behind them.]
Breve biografia di Jimmy Connors
Jimmy Connors (il cui vero nome è James Scott) nasce il 2 settembre del 1952 a East St. Louis e cresce a Belleville, in Illinois. Grazie agli insegnamenti della madre impara a giocare a tennis, e nel 1961 prende parte all'US Boys 11-and-under. Successivamente, viene portato dalla madre da Pancho Segura, in modo tale che possa essere...
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